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Confetti Degree Showcase 2013 finished on a high yesterday as winners of multiple awards were announced at the Showcase Awards Ceremony in the Antenna Bar and Restaurant. The Showcase event started at 3pm at Confetti ICT, where Higher Education students had the chance to showcase their talent and their projects produced throughout the year. The turnout this year was fantastic! Families and friends came to support and enjoy their work as well as other education establishments and industry eagerly scouting for potential. The Awards Ceremony followed hot on the heels of Showcase and was attended by the nominees and their families and …
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From jazz recordings in a church, to films about the Napoleonic War – Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies is opening its doors and inviting visitors to sample its creative delights at ‘Showcase’ – its annual gala celebration of Higher Education students’ creativity and achievements. On Thursday 6 June, students on the Music Technology, TV & Film Production and Games Technology degree courses will be presenting their work to an audience of fellow students, tutors, families and creative business leaders eager to spot new talent. Visitors to Showcase will be invited into Confetti’s Film Lounge and Doc Den – to view …
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Continue reading "Confetti students celebrate win at the Nottingham Young Creative Awards"
First impressions – Do you even lift? Well he does… Rob is a very nice guy but looks intimidating because he’s built, less of the man crush and more on to the lecture. It was very good at first I was like wahh? Because he started talking about onion gravy (which made me hungry) and how to make it which was a complete was of my time because I’m not doing a cooking course at west notts I’m doing a gaming course at an awesome college J. Any-who this was meant to be a complete was of my time as …
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Students at Confetti welcomed a special visitor yesterday in the shape of Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg. He was in Nottingham looking at how Government City Deal money of £60m could benefit creative businesses and young people. He was taken on a tour of Confetti and the Antenna Creative Business Centre by Confetti Media Group boss Craig Chettle. The Deputy Prime Minister met students on the Games Technology, Music Technology and TV and Film courses and observed their lessons. Head of Further Education Phil Myers commented on the visit: “It’s not every day the Deputy Prime Minister gets to experience …
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