Students prepare for Confetti Degree Showcase 2013

From jazz recordings in a church, to films about the Napoleonic War – Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies is opening its doors and inviting visitors to sample its creative delights at ‘Showcase’ – its annual gala celebration of Higher Education students’ creativity and achievements.

On Thursday 6 June, students on the Music Technology, TV & Film Production and Games Technology degree courses will be presenting their work to an audience of fellow students, tutors, families and creative business leaders eager to spot new talent.

Visitors to Showcase will be invited into Confetti’s Film Lounge and Doc Den – to view short films and documentaries. Those interested in music can witness a remix competition and listen to recordings in the famed Electric Mayhem suite as well as talk to the students about their business ideas.  Gaming Technology students will be inviting guests to follow in the footsteps of Prince Harry – and view the latest games concepts artwork and try their hand at gaming. They will also be showing examples of the work submitted for the Crytek/GameCity Off the Map project.

After Showcase the students and their families will gather in Antenna’s Restaurant for the awards ceremony where the Confetti Student of the Year will be awarded a year’s paid internship with the Confetti Media Group.  Students are nominated by their tutors based upon their work, performance and attitude and behaviour throughout the year. The awards ceremony takes place from 8pm in Antenna and is sponsored by Crytek, DHP Group and Spool Films.  All award recipients will receive a specially designed award by local glassmaker Stella Chadwick.

Showcase is open to the public from 3pm until 7pm on Thursday 06 June 2013.