Fees & Funding

Fees & funding can be quite difficult to get your head around! The information in this section should help give you a snapshot, but please get in touch to discuss your personal circumstances, our team are trained to help.

Your tuition fees cover the cost of: staff costs, assessment materials, resources during timetabled sessions and awarding body registrations fees (where applicable).

External opportunities and the booking of specialist resources outside of timetabled sessions does not form part of your tuition fee, but is a benefit of being a Confetti student. External opportunities and availability of specialist resources are subject to change throughout the year.

Funded – No course fees apply. However please contact Student Services if you have already completed a Level 3 Course or A-Levels as this may impact on your eligibility for funding.

Fees and charges apply each separate academic year, so as your circumstances change, you may become liable for fees. You can query any changes with our Student Services Team.

Not funded – fees apply.

Aged 19-24 with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) – No fees apply.

Pay your course tuition fees in full when you enrol.

Alternatively, you can pay your course tuition fees via an instalment plan. You will be required to pay your first instalment when you enrol, a further payment will then be required 6 weeks later.

Please note that fees are subject to change per academic year. You will be notified of these changes prior to enrolling onto your course.

All course fees must be self-funded by the student as we are unable to offer any fee remittance and or accept the Advanced Learner Loan.

Need help budgeting for your course tuition fees, here are some useful tips:

  1. Start with tracking – Tracking is crucial to creating a realistic budget because it helps you determine where your money is going. This means documenting all your transactions and income to map out your cash flow.
  2. Get specific – Make a budget for each month, not just one for the whole year.
  3. Prioritise – Look at your essentials first and then look at things you might like/want.
  4. Expect the unexpected – In addition to the priorities we mentioned above, it’s also a good idea to have an emergency fund on hand. This might sound obvious, but it’s important to set some money aside for unexpected expenses that could pop up.
  5. Nobody is perfect, give yourself a break – It’s okay to make mistakes or occasionally veer off course. With a strong budgeting plan in place, the periodic misstep shouldn’t destroy your progress.

A budget planner can also help you manage your money. Here’s how to set one up.

Contact our Student Services Team on 0115 952 2075 or bursary.applications@confetti.ac.uk to discuss your personal situation.

Bursaries may be available to students who are funded by Access to Creatives. Please note that if you are a fee-paying student unfortunately you are not covered by this funding. Bursaries applications are available upon enrolment and are assessed based on household income. Please request an application from our Student Services Team on bursary.applications@confetti.ac.uk