Engage in high level research and critical thinking, developing a deep understanding of innovations and disruptions alongside data analysis within the esports broadcast and technology industry.
- Critically review and synthesise a wide range of production technologies to support your enquiries within the field of esports production and apply results
- Research and evaluate audience participation, industry platforms and commercial outputs and critically appraise the implications this has for your own proposal
- Analyse current issues and industry priorities at local, national, European and global level and critically assess strategic opportunities when leading a commercial production
- Critically justify your proposed esports production format, demonstrating originality in line with industry expectations
- Execute high levels of initiative and autonomy when establishing project management workflows and defining innovative solutions
- Propose esports technology innovations and advancements and critically reflect on the potential within the future broadcasting industry
- Define personal goals relating to emerging career opportunities and critically appraise your progress towards objectives
- Communicate research clearly and effectively in multiple formats and critically reflect on industry responses
Concept Development and Project Management (60 credit points)
Through exposure to national and international markets, recognised esports organisations and emerging technologies; focus your career, develop your network, enhance your technical skillset and begin to fulfil your concept.
- Undertake research at the forefront of production technology to inform and gain new insights in the management and execution of an original esports production
- Analyse the impact of emerging technologies and apply in relation to your personal concept within a commercial environment
- Select and systematically evaluate broadcast production technologies in creation of original content for the esports industry
- Integrate knowledge of the relationship between current professional and ethical standards within the context of leading and project managing your own professional production
- Generate innovative solutions that can be applied in multidisciplinary areas and that push the boundaries of technical capabilities
- Demonstrate originality in the application of production technology during rigorous testing and experimentation and critically reflect on results
- Propose original, sustainable workflows and critically review and respond in the implementation of technology in the context of your production
- Manage your professional development by identifying and generating industry relevant content in line with your career aspirations
Production Technology and Audience Response (60 credit points)
Implement and deliver your concept, collect and analyse data, and evaluate your impact and contribution to the esports production industry.
- Collect, organise and synthesise complex research data to form sound conclusions and critically evaluate in reference to future industry productions
- Critically evaluate and justify your personal career development in response to audience perspectives and global cultural impact
- Critically reflect on professional protocols and ethical standards within the industry relevant in the realisation of your creative output.
- Evaluate advanced production methodologies in solving complex problems and apply theory to practice
- Identify, plan and deploy technology for use within an esports production and apply technology solutions and strategies to enhance the achievement of aims and desired outcomes
- Communicate conclusions and critically reflect on audience experience when dealing with complex and contemporary issues in esports
- Exercise initiative when working collaboratively on complex esports productions and in response to audience feedback and industry requirements
- Demonstrate your ability to independently lead, project manage and critically reflect on performance to support your continuing professional development
- Demonstrate self-direction, originality and innovation when applying and adapting methods, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks to professional standards