Supporting you over the Easter break

Thursday March 21, 2024

Confetti will be closing for the Easter break, here is information on the support you can access during our closure…

Confetti Student Services will be closing at 5pm on Thursday 28 March, reopening on Tuesday 2 April at 9am.

Our Nottingham campus and facilities will be open to students between 8am and 7pm on all other days of the Easter break. Please use usual procedures to book spaces.

The London site and facilities will be open to students between 9am and 6pm on all other days of the Easter break. Please use the booking form on the London portal as normal to request access to specific rooms.

We understand that a change to routine can be particularly hard for some people, specifically in terms of mental health and finances. If you require any out of hours support, please use the below websites to search for a support service local to you.

Mental Health Support England:

Mental Health Support Scotland:

  • Breathing Space is a free confidential  phone and web chat service for anyone over the age of 16 and living in Scotland. For more details, please visit the website:

Mental Health Support Wales:

  • If you live in Wales, you can use the C.A.L.L (Community Advice and Listening Line) for Mental Health Support. They have a text or phone call service:

Mental Health Support Northern Ireland:

National Foodbank Support:


If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness, please visit the relevant Shelter website for guidance. Shelter helps people struggling with bad housing or homelessness through advice, support and legal services.


As a Confetti Student, you have access to Togetherall. Togetherall is a safe, online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing. You can sign up here using your student email address:

If you or someone else is at immediate risk or require urgent support, please speak with a trusted adult (such as a parent/guardian), contact your GP during their normal working hours, present at your local A&E Department or dial, 999.