Stay safe around Confetti


Studying at Confetti means you get to use the latest technology and equipment. So we’re always making sure we provide you with the best facilities, this means that sometimes you’ll have sessions outside of the Confetti campus.

This could be in our new facility – Space 2, The National Videogame Arcade or even rehearsal studios Magnet. Whilst each location isn’t too far from Confetti’s base, we want to make sure you’re safe arriving and leaving each site. So we’ve put a checklist together for you.

Safety checklist

  • Plan your journey – make sure you know the way before you set off. Grab a map from Confetti reception, check out the interactive maps on our website, or just ask! We’ll always help
  • Walk the proper route – our maps take you on a specific route for a reason, they follow main streets and well lit roads. Don’t use shortcuts!
  • Got your phone? Keep your phone charged and with you, if you feel unsafe at any point call Confetti on 0115 9932321 or if you’re in danger call the police on 999
  • Take a mate – where you can, walk with a group of friends. Make plans to meet each other and have a walk together
  • Don’t have your music too loud – make sure you can still hear, and be aware of your surroundings
  • Don’t talk to strangers – we’re sorry, we had to say it!

Remember – we’re always here to help. So let us know if you feel unsafe or can’t make it to any of the locations.