International Pronouns Day

What are gender pronouns and why are they important?

Gender pronouns are words people use to refer to others without using their name.

Gender pronouns are important as using a person’s correct pronouns help to increase an inclusive environment and affirms a person’s gender identity. It is important not to assume a person’s pronouns, this can send an unintended message that you must look a certain way to be able to use particular pronouns. Using the wrong pronouns can be offensive or even harmful.

Example of pronouns:

  • She/Her
  • He/Him
  • She/They
  • He/They
  • They/Them

What does Confetti do to support students and their pronouns?

At Confetti students can have their pronouns added onto our central system. This system is accessed by all Education Staff and is a great way of your teaching team being aware of the pronouns you use. Our system automatically generates an email to staff whenever changes are made.

Below is a quick snapshot of our system and how it looks to staff.

Would you like your pronouns adding to your record?

It’s really easy to do, all you need to do is speak with our Student Services Team.

Our Student Services Team can be found on the Ground Floor within the Digital Media Hub (Convent Street Entrance, Reception Area).

You are also welcome to purchase a Confetti Pronoun Badge from Student Services.

Money raised from the sale of badges is then donated to a local LGBTQ+ Charity each term.

For more information about the resources available to you, visit our Student Support webpage.