#DoWhatIDo – Tristan Vocaturo

Thursday July 17, 2014


When Tristan came to Confetti after sixth form, he knew he’d made the right decision.

“It felt right from the beginning”, he said. “The facilities, the tutor knowledge, the hands-on and real life experience that’s all geared towards getting you job-ready.“

Tristan studied Audio Visual Recording Technology and graduated in 2012. During his course, he studied a variety of modules,  such as Multimedia Animation Production, Audio Synthesis Technology and Interactive Media. Tristan believes his time at Confetti that got him job-ready.

“I specialised in audio visual in my last year, my dissertation was focused on a short film and it really helped me to understand every creative element of the film making process and how to bring creative people together to make things happen”, he said.

What advice would Tristan give to anyone looking to succeed in the creative industries? “Be honest, be ambitious and focus. Be reliable and proactive, don’t wait for things to happen and take every opportunity possible, it’ll help you find your passion.”

Tristan is now working as an Audio Visual Editor with Film Production company, Spool and has worked on some amazing projects including projects for the BBC, Notts TV and Land Rover.

Want to #DoWhatIDo? Click here to find out more about the Audio Visual Technology course.