Confetti mini documentaries air on Notts TV

Notts TV recently aired a series of mini documentaries produced by Confetti students on their live evening news programme, Notts Today. Film & TV Production – BTEC Level 3 students were given a brief to produce a mini-documentary, roughly 2 minutes-long. Each documentary was a passion project devoted to a topic of local interest. With the support of their tutor, students went through the proper process, first generating ideas around pre-production with an emphasis on permissions and not infringing copyright. Students then filmed and edited their documentaries, with a strong focus on stringing a compelling narrative together. They also put their post-production skills into practice, adding music, titles, graphics, and recording a voiceover in post.

Student documentary maker, Gabi Petrenaite (pictured left), and her Dad, Gedi Petrenas (pictured right), on the set of Notts Today.

Gabi’s experience

We caught up with one of the documentary makers, Gabi Petrenaite, who produced her story on the River Trent and its inhabitants. Gabi produced the documentary with the support of her Dad, whose passion for sustainability and water conservation has clearly inspired her, she said:

“I really enjoyed creating this documentary with my Dad as we had full creative freedom and since we both know each other so well; the entire production went very smoothly.

“Since I study film and tv, I’ve learnt the basics of a camera – how to change settings for outdoor filming, focus pulls, I’ve also learnt a lot of editing skills and since this project I’ve started to develop my own unique style which can help me to standout from others. I think this is incredibly important as a filmmaker and I’m thankful to our Course Leader, James West, for the opportunity and all the other tutors for giving us the creative freedom and chance to explore different ways of editing and filming.

“I never really expected mine and my Dad’s documentary to be chosen as it was just us two and only me with any filming experience, and so to have this broadcast means an insane amount. It shows how well rounded I am and since we are both so passionate about the documentary and its message, we are happy that it worked out and Notts TV appreciate the finished article.”

Confetti films on Notts TV

The mini documentaries were aired on Notts Today, which airs weekdays at 5.30pm. Below you’ll find a supercut of all of the documentaries, including Gabi’s – we’ve provided the running order below:

Documentary one: Broadway Cinema

A look into one of the best cinemas in the UK, the Broadway Cinema. The film explores why it is so important to creative filmmaking in the region and the importance of independent cinema.

By Sam Leary & Tyler Buxton

Documentary two: Street Artist – Kid30 street art around Nottingham

Local street artist Kid30 discusses his unique take on famous characters and why street art is a valuable asset to tourism in Nottingham.

By Lee Deane & Logan Spooner

Documentary three: Wollaton Hall

The film is about Wollaton Hall, a green space in the middle of a city. The Hall was constructed between 1580 and 1588, with grounds that include a deer park, formal and botanical gardens, an orangery, a lake and numerous trails.

By Grace Parton & Tahlia Lee

Documentary four: River Trent and its inhabitants – saving water/conserve water

A documentary about the River Trent and how too much nitrogen and phosphorus from the pollution in the water causes algae to grow faster than ecosystems can handle, making the water unsafe, causing the fish and wildlife to suffer because of the toxins that the algae releases.

By Gabi Petrenaite & Gedi Petrenas

Documentary five: Vintage Clothing

The film ‘Vintage clothing’, talks about the shops Wild Clothing and Hopkinson and the importance of independent outlets like these in the city and the history they have.

By Eve Hudson & Laurenjean Smythe

Documentary six: OWEN (Open Water Education Network)

Owen’s story is one of heartbreak and inspiration. Nicola Jenkins, narrates the journey of how she started the OWEN programme following the tragic death of her son in 2017. Set at the side of Beeston Weir where Owen tragically lost his life, this short documentary shows how an educational programme now helps to prevent open water incidents from happening and what to do if they occur by giving people the skills and knowledge to stay safe around water.

By Tyler Cope

The title sequence from River Trent and its inhabitants – saving water/conserve water", produced by Gabi Petrenaite
A screengrab from the documentary "River Trent and its inhabitants – saving water/conserve water", produced by Gabi Petrenaite and her Dad, Gedi Petrenas

Find out more about these student produced documentaries – including how the project came to be – in this previous news story.

Are you interested in studying Film & TV Production – BTEC Level 3, and getting hands-on work experience as part of your studies? Book onto an Open Day to find out more about all the opportunities on offer here at Confetti.