The Confetti Degree Showcase brings together the work of the next generation of creative talent, and we’d love to show you what our graduates are capable of.
Come along on Wednesday 15 June from 3pm–7pm, when we’ll be throwing the doors of our HE Centre open for industry guests, family, friends and the general public to come and see the fabulous work of our talented degree students.
From games designers and film & TV makers, to music producers and sound engineers – come and enjoy a mix of short films, showreels, games, 3D designs, sound recordings, audio compositions and more. With 20 years’ experience, we produce the best because we only take the best – growing our talent until it’s industry-ready.
After 7pm we’ll be hosting a private awards ceremony celebrating the achievements of our degree students. We’ll be announcing the nominees for each of the award categories over the next few days. Make sure you are following our Facebook and Twitter pages to see if you are a nominee!
Find out more about our Degree Courses or come along to one of our Degree Course Open Days