This year Celebrate is all about showcasing our students’ fantastic work online. Here, we’ve put together submissions from some of our students – there’s a lot of variety and incredible work, so enjoy.
Gergo Kocsis
Gergo is a Level 3 Games Technology student in his second year of the course, who has worked immensely hard, consistently receiving distinctions and winning the Confetti Games Jam twice.
His creation ‘House of Redemption’ is described here…
You take on the role of a man exploring a house which seems familiar to him, yet strangely different at the same time. While most things seem perfectly normal, you can encounter some odd physical anomalies throughout this interactive experience which only add to the uneasy feeling that something is wrong here.
You will be able to uncover the dark secrets of the protagonist while interacting with your surroundings looking for cues to solve a range of challenging puzzles. While most of your experience will depend on RNG, at the end of the game you, the player will have to make a decision on behalf of your character which will define the faith of everyone in the game.
Check out the trailer for House of Redemption below…
Claire Langton-Goh
Claire is a first-year student on the Level 3 Games Technology course, who has impressed tutors with her variety of work.
Here’s what she had to say about her submissions:
Starting out life as a solo game jam project with a Christmas theme, this project was my first full attempt at creating a game from the ground up.
The concept is that of a 2D action adventure where the player takes on the persona of a young vampire who is tasked with rescuing Santa from the evil snowmen’s cave lair.
I took on different roles of an independent game developer including defining the concept, designing the 2D art assets for the game, level design, building, testing and correcting bugs as a result of beta testing. I did all this within a three week time frame window. I effectively organised my time using a gantt chart to track my progress and ensure I remained on task.
For a final assignment piece for the year I chose to further develop this project from a one level game jam into three immersive and engaging levels using Unreal Engine 4.
For the project I maintained detailed documentation as a future reference to assist me in further development of this game. I intend to develop this original piece and officially publish the game for others to play and enjoy.
Check out one of Claire’s pieces below…
David Shapcott
David is in his first year of the Level 3 Games Technology course, and has submitted four pieces of work for this showcase: two practical, and two written.
Practical No 1. Alien Menace – A simple 2D game set in the dystopian present. Created using the 2D Sidescroller template within Unreal Engine 4. I have used various skills that I have either been taught at college, by watching tutorials or figuring out for myself, it is a project I have really enjoyed.
Practical No 2. My Tiny Room – I really enjoyed this project as I didn’t start out all that good at 3D modelling, but this helped me to develop those skills. There were a couple of models I wasn’t going to make at first as I believed they were too difficult, but it was more to me doubting my abilities. I managed to create them, and they turned out better than I expected.
I have submitted a playthrough video for these projects.
Written Pieces – The 2 written pieces are a short story and snippets of a concept document of a game idea I have had for a while called Dragon’s Dystopia. The short story is set just before the events of the game. These have been submitted as PDFs.
Have a look at one of David’s submissions…
Kacper Polak and Oliver Roe
Second-year students Kacper and Oliver have produced an app for the Nottingham-based organisation, whilst at home during lock-down.
The app – ‘Report It‘ – available for PC and android mobile – is designed to support adults with learning difficulties in the identifying and reporting of learning disability hate crimes.
The app has received acclaim from Mencap and Nottinghamshire Police.
Take a look at the app for yourself…
For more amazing work from our students, keep an eye on our social channels for the launch of the full digital Celebrate exhibition!
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