We’re in our brand new home for music & events!

studio 2

On Monday 29 January, we opened the first studio in our Contemporary Music & Live Events Hub and welcomed the first lot of students in. Our FdSc Audio and Music Technology students moved their recording sessions into Studio 2 and made full use out of the live room, vocal booth, editing suite and control room.

studio 2
Rehearsing in the live room.
studio 2

The studio features a hybrid analog/digital setup and includes custom Exigy monitors in the mainfield along with PMC Twotwo.6 in the nearfield. We went in the rooms before anyone else did and captured it all for you to see!

Check out our 360 images of each room below:

Note: Drag the image to explore the room. If you view on mobile, you can use it as a Virtual Reality headset.

Control Room

Live Room

Editing Suite

Vocal Booth

Our new home for music and live events will focus on music production and performance, and live technical events education. The 38,500 sq. ft. complex, designed by U.K. firm White Mark, features music studios, rehearsal rooms, editing suites, social spaces and an auditorium.

Want to study in our brand new home for music and live events? Check out our college-level or degree courses, sign up for our open day and explore our facilities.