We’ve reached the penultimate day of Industry Week today, and we’ve enjoyed many a good talk and inspiring demo throughout the day. Have a look at a few of the events we’ve enjoyed watching today and what the highlights have been…
Alessio Cavatore
Joined by Jack Caesar, games industry legend Alessio brought an Alexa with him to show its potential for interactivity within games; which is vast!
His command of ‘roll an eight-sided dice’ was carried out successfully by Alexa – how cool is that?
Game designer, @AlessioCavatore is kicking day 4 of #IW20 off, with Jack Caesar pic.twitter.com/IHWyb95ytc
— Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies (@Confetti_ICT) March 5, 2020
Sophie Williams
Sophie stressed the importance of showing versatility in your portfolio; something all good freelance artists need to know.
.@sophisaurus_rex is talking about what art directors look for from freelance artists in the games industry #IW20 pic.twitter.com/76PTHni8Gx
— Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies (@Confetti_ICT) March 5, 2020
Jeremy Pritchard
Interviewed by BBC’s Dean Jackson, Jeremy Pritchard spoke to students about why he chose to play bass, having grown up playing classical cello. The freedom and possibilities of playing contemporary music on bass is what he fell in love with, and he been part of the band ‘Everything Everything’ as well as touring with ‘Foals’.
.@deanjacksondj is interviewing @PritchardJeremy about his experience in the music industry #IW20 pic.twitter.com/p4UFteyLv1
— Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies (@Confetti_ICT) March 5, 2020
Anna Hollinrake
This talk touched on all things concept art, and students were able to take some really useful advice away for their studies – and future careers.
.@AnnaHollinrake has been chatting to students about concept art and creative relationships #IW20 pic.twitter.com/BEfczxhpf9
— Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies (@Confetti_ICT) March 5, 2020
Nick Raphael
Nick’s stories had the audience laughing from start to finish – like the time his mum asked “When are you going to get a proper job?” after he’d signed Jay Z. His tactic for signing the best artists? He always waits for that ‘gut feeling’.
An insightful, interesting and eye-opening talk from a music industry great!
Nick Raphael being interviewed by @deanjacksondj on his years of experience in the music industry #IW20 pic.twitter.com/lBEUY1YQkO
— Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies (@Confetti_ICT) March 5, 2020
Alan McGee
The man who signed Oasis and Primal Scream took to the stage to round off a fantastic fourth day of Industry Week. It turns out his signing Oasis was “a complete flook”!
Our top takeaways? His thoughts on what makes a great rockstar, his anecdotes about the Gallagher brothers, and his friendship with former Prime Minister Tony Blair.
.@deanjacksondj interviews Alan McGee on creating and ruling the world with @oasis #IW20 pic.twitter.com/MaUsPjCeSI
— Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies (@Confetti_ICT) March 5, 2020
Games Expo
Students enjoyed a fantastic games expo over in Metronome – there was something for all gaming fans to enjoy.
The Games Expo is underway in Metronome, and will be running until 4pm today #IW20 pic.twitter.com/95xOsWVmXz
— Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies (@Confetti_ICT) March 5, 2020
We’ve also enjoyed talks from the BBC’s Jon Francombe, music agent Barry Dickins, The Actors Workshop’s Tim Smith, studio art manager Alexander Raphelt, Tom Dale Company and the Do It For Real Music and Media panels.
Want to be at Industry Week 2021?
APPLY NOW to study a college-level course or degree-level course and join us in September 2020.