NTU rated Gold for teaching in the 2023 Teaching Excellence Framework

We are pleased to announce that NTU has been awarded Gold for teaching in the 2023 Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) assessment!

TEF is a national scheme run by the Office for Students. It aims to encourage higher education providers to deliver excellence in teaching, learning and achieving positive outcomes. The ratings are decided through assessments conducted by an expert panel made up of independent academics and students who are experts in learning and teaching.

A gold rating, according to the TEF Framework, means that the student experience and student outcomes are typically outstanding.

This is a significant achievement of which we – as part of NTU – are very proud.

Jane McNeil, Pro Vice-Chancellor Education said:

“We are delighted with this recognition. Many thanks to all our staff and students, and congratulations on this excellent outcome.”


Anna O’Hara, NTSU President added:

“We are all so delighted at NTU’s gold result. For us this feels an excellent way to recognise the ongoing co-creation NTSU and NTU have in improving and enhancing all aspects of student life. It’s fantastic that we’re welcomed to the table to make sure the student voice is heard and understood. We are gold!”

If you’re interested in studying a creative degree at Confetti, take a look at all the courses we have to offer. Book onto one of our Open Days to check out the facilities and find out more about student life at Confetti and NTU.