We’re delighted to announce that the NSPCC’s first-ever Game Safe Festival will be coming to our Nottingham campus from Friday 9 to Sunday 11 February. Following closely off the back of our successful collaboration with BBC Children In Need, we’ll be helping raise vital funds for the UK’s leading children’s charity and influence a safer online world for young people.
The high-level activity is set to create unrivalled ‘Do It For Real’ opportunities for our students, working alongside our Technical team and a host of developers, platforms, industry bodies, esports teams and influencers. Read on to find out more.

Game Safe Festival
The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) are on a mission to play and act to keep children safe online. The organisation’s first-ever Game Safe Festival (Monday 5 to Sunday 11 February) will celebrate everything that’s best about the world of gaming and take action to make gaming safer by design.
The NSPCC is one of the oldest and most prominent children-focused charity organisations in the UK. Founded in 1884, it focuses on raising awareness of topics important to child welfare. It also operates centres around the country that inform and help children.
The Game Safe Festival is the NSPCC’s first venture into esports and gaming and includes lots of learning opportunities aimed at educating children and parents while also explaining the need to protect children in both physical and digital environments. The series of online and in-person events will culminate with an influential Safeguarding in Esports Conference and the live finals of its first-ever Game Safe Cup at our Confetti X facilities in Nottingham.

Safeguarding in Esports Conference
Organised by the NSPCC and the British Esports Federation, the event will explore how we can make the world of gaming and esports safer for children and young people.
Taking place at our dedicated esports and interactive live events production centre, Confetti X, on Friday 9 February, the conference will bring together key players from the gaming and esports industries. Sir Peter Wanless, Chief Executive of the NSPCC, is expected to open the conference and deliver a keynote speech. Former Director of the Department of Education and knighted in 2020 for services to children and young people, Peter is advancing the NSPCC’s vision to end cruelty to children in the UK.
The event will continue our long-standing relationship with British Esports and commitment to developing grassroots esports, cutting edge curriculum and career pathways. Taking place in-person and online, our Technical team and students will be on hand to deliver the event production and live broadcast.

Game Safe Cup Live Finals
The NSPCC has partnered with National Student Esports (NSE), EPIC.LAN and esports organisation, SAF, for a new gaming event called the Game Safe Cup. The free-to-enter EA Sports FC (formerly FIFA) 24 tournament will feature a creator-led format to give players the opportunity to play against their favourite high-profile EA Sports FC streamers.
Registrations opened on Wednesday 3 January for the Game Safe Cup, with online qualifiers set to begin on Saturday 13 January. Open to members of the general public aged 13+, successful competitors will have the opportunity to play in the all-expenses-paid live finals at our Confetti X venue on Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 February.
The high-level activity is set to provide an unrivalled opportunity for Confetti students to work alongside industry professionals and some of the country’s top content creators.
Are you interested in attending events and getting hands-on experience as part of your studies? Book onto an Open Day to find out more about all the opportunities on offer here at Confetti.