Meet mature student Em Cox

games controller

If you’re over 18 and want to start a college course at Confetti this September, it’s not too late. There may be some fees involved and you may be in class with students who are younger than you, but we wanted to give you an insight into how easy and fun the experience can be. Last year, we caught up with our Level 3 Games Technology student Em Cox, to see how her Confetti life is going as a mature student.

“…it (Advanced Learner Loan) doesn’t really phase me about paying it back, it’s an investment in my future…”

First thing’s first – why did you choose Confetti?

I chose Confetti because I’ve always wanted to work in the games industry. There were colleges closer to home but they only offered courses that covered computers broadly not specifically looking at the games industry which was something I was looking for.

Did you have to pay course fees?

Yes, I had to pay fees because of my age and also I’ve completed a level 3 course already, so I wouldn’t be funded by the government to study further education.

How did you manage to pay them?

I paid for my course fees through the Advanced Learner Loan which the government offers, it has recently changed so that anyone over the age of 19 can apply. Whereas last year it was only for students over the age of 24. It’s great for students returning to education after a few years away like myself.

Was it an easy process to apply?

The process itself was pretty simple – I just searched for Advanced Learner Loan and it took me to the site, I filled out my personal details on the form with some details from Confetti and it was all done!

How do you feel about paying it back?

Honestly it doesn’t really phase me about paying it back, it’s an investment in my future, and who knows if I make it big with a game I can just pay it off in one lump sum.

Did you access any help with the process?

The Confetti support team has been behind me the whole way from offering me a chance to come in prior to starting the course and seeing Confetti, meeting the teaching staff and even getting a little hands-on experience with what I would be learning on the course. Also with personal issues I’ve had nothing but exceptional support and understanding.

How is it studying with under 18’s?

Well a lot of students think I’m only 17 (I’m 25 this year) so I must have great genes! It’s great I feel like I can be a role model for these guys but they also make me feel young, it’s a good balance.

I was worried about coming back into education and feeling out of touch despite only being several years older than them, but we all have the same goals, we want to learn, we want to succeed and I think no matter the age it would be the same experience.

Overall what’s your time been like at Confetti so far?

It’s all incredible – Confetti gives students great industry links, teaching staff and support teams – It’s certainly top of its class!

Want to study at Confetti? Check out our college and degree courses – if you see anything you like, book a place on to an open day and find out what we do!