On Thursday 26 September, Metronome hosted the Masters Degree Showcase 2019 where students, staff and visitors were able to view the phenomenal work produced by Confetti’s postgraduate students over the past year.
The Showcase gave our talented postgraduate students the opportunity to show the projects and concepts that they’ve been working on and what they are planning to do with them now they’ve completed their study.
We spoke to a few of the students about their work, how they fo und studying at Confetti, and what they plan to do next…
MSc Creative Technologies student Ja’maul Adams showcased his work at the event, giving his experiences on the course glowing reviews.
Tell us about your project
My project is ‘Digital Doubles’. In essence – I’ve mastered the art of creating CG humans, like you’d see in films, TV or advertising.
How have you found studying at Confetti?
Confetti has been great – I’ve been here since 2013 when I studied a college-level course. We were actually the first year’s intake of VFX students at FE! Every year, this place has just got better and better – the tech, the campus; I’ve been here to see it grow and I’m so happy I chose to stay.

MA Creative Technologies student Caitlin Harper has been researching the effects that augmented reality can have on museum patrons at the Nottingham Industrial Museum.
Have you been able to work with external businesses?
I created my 3D model based off a real-life piece of industrial ‘kit’ which the team at Nottingham Industrial Museum (Wollaton Hall) gave me access to. Since then, I’ve been able to use my creation to teach a KS2 lesson here – which was brilliant!
What do you want to go on and do next?
My fellow postgraduate student Peter and I are going to pursue the creation of educational materials using AR and other digital techniques.
We spoke to MSc Creative Technologies student Peter Hanson about his project, and his experience of studying at Confetti.
Tell us about your project
My project is called ‘The Board’. I created it following my move from Canada to Nottingham; as I left my former town, I had to leave my Dungeons and Dragons game. This made me think – is there a way I could continue playing with that group remotely, through an app or online?
From there, I developed an app – currently available on Android – which allows people to do just this. There are a whole load of different games on there, so you can play whatever takes your fancy.
How have you found studying at Confetti?
Confetti has such great facilities, and the tutors are always on hand to help find an answer. They have a lot of experience in digital technologies, so they really are the best people to ask. The atmosphere here is really positive and productive.

MSc Creative Technologies student Jake Eden has looked at 3D scanning insects with photogrammetry. He was able to photograph specimens at National History Museum in London with the aim being to generate highly detailed, accurate 3D insects to be used within a VFX shot or asset for a game.
How have you found studying at Confetti?
It’s been great – really supportive, and good facilities. Confetti advised me about who to get in touch with and who my project may be of interest to, which I’m really grateful to them for.
Have you been able to work with external businesses?
Thanks to a recommendation from a Confetti tutor, I shared details of my project with the Natural History Museum’s Sackler Imaging Suite. They’re interested in using it; which is a huge achievement for me!

Do you want to be part of the Masters Degree Showcase next year? Find out more about our postgraduate degree courses or come along to one of our open days.