Industry Week 2020 was one of the best yet – here are some of our highlights. Plus, find out who won the #IW20 photo competition!
Photo competition winner
Congratulations to Twitter user Snooping Turtle for his fantastic photo of Aardman’s Shaun the Sheep script, which had us all chuckling.
The prize is a £50 Amazon voucher – please get in touch with us at marketing@confettimediagroup.com to claim your prize.

Now check out some of our Industry Week highlights below…
Great talks
This year, we had a lot of great stuff going on.
There were talks from the likes of Stephen Graham, Jeanie Finlay, Games Workshop.
We experienced professional dancers from Tom Dale Company tracking their amazing routines in our motion capture suite, we held songwriting workshops with musicians like Tori Sheard and Ajay Henry.
We even had a charity game-athon, which raised money for The Wildlife Trust.
Have a look through some of the photos from the events, and see for yourself…
Fantastic feedback from you, the students
We had some great interaction across our social channels, with many students sharing how much they enjoyed the week’s events.
The post-event survey will be circulated to students soon, so we look forward to hearing your detailed feedback and recommendations for how we can do even better next year.

Guests giving great advice
We’re very proud of our facilities and equipment here at Confetti, and it seems we aren’t the only ones. Guests made the point of telling us how much they liked our campus and were impressed by what Confetti has to offer.
Have a look at some of the advice they gave students…
Want to be at Industry Week 2021?
APPLY NOW to study a college-level course or degree-level course and join us in September 2020.