Thursday 9 March is University Mental Health Day. Academic pressure, money worries, loneliness, friendship issues- it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed at University or college. It can make student life hard to navigate for the 2.3 million students currently studying in UK universities.
Feeling lonely at University is more common than you think…But you don’t have to suffer alone.
Loneliness can affect anyone, but how can you tell if you are experiencing loneliness? Do any of these sound familiar?
- I don’t have someone I feel really close to
- I don’t have much in common with the people around me
- I don’t know many people to hang out with
- No-one asks how I’m feeling, or how my day went
- I don’t have anyone I can be myself around
- A problem is getting me down, but I can’t tell anyone
- I can’t join in with things because I feel different to others (i.e. because of money, age, disability, politics, or something else
Who can I contact to help with loneliness and feeling isolated?
- Try reaching out to family and friends, talk to them about how you’re feeling
- Contact the Student Services team- you can email us studentservicesreferrals@confetti.ac.uk or complete a self-referral for yourself or someone else here: confetti.ac.uk/sstreferral . Our opening hours are 08:30-17:00, Monday-Friday, excluding Bank Holidays and Christmas Closure.
- Contact the Wolfpack project in Nottingham, a charity specialising in support for those aged 16-35, struggling with loneliness thewolfpackproject.org.uk
Self-help resources:
- Every Mind Matters: nhs.uk/every-mind-matters/lifes-challenges/loneliness/
- Mind: mind.org.uk/information-support/tips-for-everyday-living/loneliness/tips-to-manage-loneliness/
- NottAlone: nottalone.org.uk/
As a Confetti student, you have access Togetherall. Togetherall is an online platform to support your wellbeing. Please visit our landing page and sign up using your Confetti or NTU email address here: https://account.v2.togetherall.com/join/clacfz00d1289967f4r4zklqwlkw
The Student Services Team are available Monday to Friday 8:30-5:00pm. If you or someone you know feels at risk outside of these hours please contact your GP during their normal working hours, present at your local A&E department or dial, 999.