Student wellbeing
In the first instance, we would encourage you to contact our Student Services team to discuss any issues you may be facing. We can provide a safe, discreet space for you to talk and work out the next steps in the support you need. Everything you report to us is confidential, however, if we feel you are at risk, we will pass this onto the relevant support agency and/or your parents/guardians where appropriate.
Our Student Services team are based behind Confetti’s main reception and are open 8.30am – 5pm. You can also refer yourself by emailing or calling 0115 952 2075.
When someone close to you has passed away or is suffering from a terminal illness, it is important that you access support to help you come to terms with your thought processes and feelings. Below are some websites you can access for Bereavement Care:
Cruse’s vision is that all bereaved people have somewhere to turn when someone dies. Cruse’s mission is to offer support, advice and information to children, young people and adults when someone dies and to enhance societies care of bereaved people.
Winston’s wish have an experienced Helpline team which offer nationwide support to those supporting bereaved children by phone, email and online chat.
We do not have trained counsellors at Confetti but you can access a range of counselling services through the links below. If you need help in referring yourself for counselling or want more information about what counselling involves, you can make an appointment at Student Services to go through your options:
Vita Health Group works in partnership with the NHS to provide Talking Therapy services to support local residents in various districts throughout the UK. Known as IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies), VitaMinds is a Talking Therapy service designed to support individuals by providing the tools needed to get things back on track.
Trent PTS is an approved NHS provider of psychological therapies. We are commissioned by the NHS to provide free, flexible, responsive and accessible high quality psychological therapy services, so there is no cost to you. We provide treatment for: depression, anxiety, loss, grief, trauma, relationship problems and many other conditions.
This Service is available to those who are registered with a Derbyshire GP, 16 years old and over.
Talking Mental Health Derbyshire
Talking Mental Health Derbyshire offers a range of therapies for people experiencing common psychological difficulties.
They are a free, confidential services which support those who are over the age of 16 and registered with a Derbyshire GP.
CASY (Counselling and Support for Young People)
CASY are a registered charity dedicated to promoting and preserving the mental and emotional health of children and young people throughout Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire. We achieve this by delivering a range of services.
CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services)
The Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) teams offer treatment for mild to severe emotional health and mental health needs, for young people up to the age of 18 and their families.
Harmless is a user led organisation that provides a range of services about self-harm and suicide intervention including, support, information and training to people who self-harm, their families and professionals.
Confetti operate a zero tolerance approach to drugs and alcohol misuse. If you feel you need support around your own or someone else’s’ drug alcohol/use, please find below some support links:
FRANK provides support by phone, email or text for those who want support around drugs and/or alcohol.
The Health Shop provide a free, confidential service based in Nottingham which is open to all. They offer support on a wide range of issues, including substance use.
Approximately 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem each year so that means it’s very likely that the person sitting next to you in class has, is or will struggle with their mental health. There are lots of services and online support for those wanting to support their mental health:
Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. Mind campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.
Young Minds are the UK’S leading charity for raising awareness around mental health issues for children and young people. There is a wealth of information for young people, their families/friends and professionals.
Beat exist to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders. They are a champion, guide and friend to anyone affected, giving individuals experiencing an eating disorder and their loved ones a place where they feel listened to, supported and empowered.
CALM (Campaign against Living Miserably)
The Campaign against Living Miserably (CALM) is leading a movement against suicide, the single biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK and the cause of 18 deaths every day.
The Samaritans are available for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.
The NHS offers 24/7 mental health helplines for those who are in a crisis. Follow the link and search your postcode to find the service available in your area and most appropriate for you.
Shout is the UK’s first and only free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope. SHOUT is a digital service which means you can text them for support.
The websites below offer support for various different issues. You can get in contact with them and they will provide you details of what to do next:
The Mix the UK’S Leading Support Service for young people. They are there to help you take on any challenges you are facing from mental health to money to finding a job.
The NSPCC is a UK Founded Charity which offers support to children, young people and their families. Their aim is to ensure that all children are free of abuse and live in a safe and happy environment.
Childline are available throughout the year to talk to children and young people, under the age of 19 years old. It offers free, confidential support and the telephone number will not appear on your phone bill.
Carers UK give expert advice, information and support to those who are caring for a loved one.
Fearless is a site where you can access non-judgemental information and advice about crime and criminality.
The Wolfpack Project was established to combat the substantial, growing issue of youth loneliness as a serious public-health problem of our time.
Togetherall is a safe, online community where people support each other anonymously to improve mental health and wellbeing. As a confetti student, you can access this platform with your student email. Contact Student Services with details of how to sign up’
Confetti is committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all. We run a LGBTQ+ Social Group, accessible to all students. If you’d like to know more, please contact Student Services. You can also visit the links below for further support:
Juno women’s aid is a charity working with women, children and teens who have been affected by domestic abuse. They cover Ashfield, Broxtowe, Gedling, Nottingham City and Rushcliffe.
Equation is a charity that aims to ensure that everyone has equal and healthy relationships, free from domestic abuse, sexual violence and gender inequality. Equation work with all genders.
This is government funded project, which provides support and signposting for people that are experiencing sexual abuse and also provides information regarding revenge porn, harassment and consent.
NHS Nottingham Sexual Health Services
The Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Sexual Health Services help people of all ages with concerns around contraception, unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
NHS Derby Sexual Health Services
Derby Community Health Services help people of all ages with concerns around contraception, unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
LGBT+ Service Nottinghamshire provide a range of specialist services for children and young people aged 11-25 who identify as LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and any other sexual orientation or gender identity), or may be questioning this.
LGBT+ Network offers information and support to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and other associated communities in Nottinghamshire.
If you study on one of our Further Education Courses and you are a looked after child, you have care experience or you live independently/are estranged, you may be eligible for our Vulnerable Student’s Bursary. This Bursary is designed to support you with travel, meals and equipment whilst studying your course. For more information, please visit Student Services or email We also offer pastoral support any mental health issues, wellbeing concerns or personal problems you may be experiencing. We can also help more practically such as promoting your independence and budgeting.
If you have joined us at Higher Education and have ticked that you have spent time in care on your UCAS application, we will be notified. This means that we will reach out to you to discuss the emotional, practical and financial support available to you at Confetti and NTU. If you would like to discuss further, please email or call 0115 9522075. There may be bursaries available to you, as well as benefits with accommodation and further employability support.
The Gambling Commission released their Young People and Gambling Report in November 2022 which details and explores children’s and young people’s involvement in gambling.
Gambling is a risky activity, and it’s possible that it could quickly get out of control. A few of the things which could make this more likely to happen are:
- Being introduced to gambling at an early age
- Parents and/or family members who gamble
- Pressure from your friends or peers to gamble
- Having a big win
This year, 31% of children have stated they had spent their own money on gambling in the last 12 months. The vast majority indicated their gambling was legal or did not feature age restricted products. Examples of this include playing arcade gaming machines, which include penny pusher or claw grab machines (22%), placing a bet for money between friends or family (15%), or playing cards with friends or family for money (5%).
A minority of children stated their gambling was on fruit and slot machines (3%), betting on eSports (2%), National Lottery Scratchcards (1%), playing National Lottery online instant win games (1%), placing a bet through a betting website or app (1%), or playing casino games online (1%).
The worldwide esports audience in 2022 amounted to 523 million people – and by 2025, there are expected to be over 640 million viewers around the world.
On a global scale, Asia and North America are currently the largest esports markets in terms of revenue, with China alone accounting for almost 20%.
The UK Government’s Gambling-related harms evidence review estimate that around 0.5% of the adult population has a problem with gambling in a wider capacity (The National Lottery, scratch cards, football pools etc.)
If you are worried about yourself or someone else and feel you need support with gambling, you can visit the following support sites:
Members of the Student Services team have also completed YGAM’s City & Guilds assured training on gaming and gambling harms.
You should also visit your GP if you feel your gambling habits have become an addiction and/or are affecting your mental health. The NHS have specific support services for those struggling with gambling.
Student Services are available from 8.30am-5pm, Monday-Friday if you are personally affected by gambling in anyway. You can contact us by:
- Email:
- Phone- 0115 9522075
- Self-referral:
A ‘cost of living crisis’ is usually defined as a period of time in which average bills such as a electricity, gas, water and groceries inflate in cost more than that of someone’s average household income.
It is estimated that 15% of households in the UK are in serious financial difficulty. We also know from polling conducted by Youth UK that the cost of living crisis can have an impact on young people aged 16-24’s mental health, employment opportunities and even meals.
- Almost half of young people (45%) say the cost of living crisis is having an impact on their ability to heat their homes
- Over a third (36%) say they are more lonely as they reduce their social life to save money
- One in five (20%) say their access to regular meals has been negatively impacted
Please find below support and signposting that you and/or your families may find useful:
Bursaries (Further Education)
If you a Further Education (FE) Student are aged 16-18, are categorised as ‘vulnerable student’ (such as a looked after child or have leaving care status) or have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), you may be entitled to a bursary.
The bursary can help those who are eligible with support for meals and travel costs.
The bursary is assessed on household income (inclusive of wages, benefits and pensions), as well as the distance you live from Confetti.
To request a bursary form or find out more, please visit Student Services or email
NUS Totum Cards
Once enrolled at Confetti, students are able to purchase a Totum card online.
The Totum Card provides a whole host of discounts which can support you with your studies, as well for social events such as:
- National Express
- Lenovo
- Office Outlet
- Boots
- Dominos
National Rail have several Rail Cards that you can purchase including:
- 16-25 rail card
- 26-30 rail card
- 16-17 rail card
Once the rail card is purchased, a range of discounts will be available to you which can make getting around much more affordable.
If you or your family are in receipt of a referral to a foodbank, you will be issued a voucher which you can use at selected locations. Referrals can be made by a variety of professionals, including Confetti.
Further support about foodbanks and warm spaces issued by Nottingham City Council can be found on the AskLion website.
Hardship Fund (NTU Students)
If you are a Higher Education (HE), undergraduate student you are able to submit a Hardship Fund Application.
Please remember that the Hardship Fund is subject to residence eligibility screening, prior to application and is not guaranteed.
Sanitary Products
An ActionAid poll has found that the number of UK women and people who menstruate who are struggling to afford period products has risen from 12% to 21% in one year.
If you find yourself short of period products, Student Services have tampons and sanitary towels available to collect from their main office in DMH, as well as stock being located on Metronome and Space 2 Reception.
Student Services
Confetti has a team of people here to support you with all aspects of your educational journey, including any financial or hardships concerns.
We can offer support with:
- Budgeting
- Bursary applications
- Hardship
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Referrals to external agencies
Partnership working
In addition to the support, advice and guidance that our Student Services team offer, Confetti works with agencies that enhance this offer and provide targeted support to students where needed.
Change Grow Lives (CGL) is an all age service, open to Confetti students who are experiencing problems with drug and/or alcohol. CGL support our Positive Behaviour Policy within FE and NTU’s Student Code of Behaviour (SCoB)
Currently, a CGL worker is available every other Monday, between 11:30am-1:30pm based in DMH reception. Students can visit them for informal advice or ask to be referred by Student Services for 1:1 interventions.
Confetti also have an Educational Mental Health Practioner (EMHP) allocated to us by the Mental Health Support team, part of CAMHS. This team are at Confetti all day, every Tuesday and are based in our Student Services office, on the ground floor of DMH.
Student Services can complete a referral or students can submit a self-referral via AskLion. Our EMHP is only available to students who are aged 16 and 17 years old. Most interventions completed with the EMHP use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Approaches.
Our Safeguarding team

Emma Talbot
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Natalie Brewster
Deputy Safeguarding Lead

Lee Callen
Safeguarding Officer

Hannah Sisson
Safeguarding Officer

Rebecca Machin
Safeguarding Officer