Confetti put the spotlight on Men’s Health Week, 10-16 June.
We wanted to raise a greater awareness around men’s mental and physical health, which is still a taboo subject.
Men are less likely to seek help for their mental health, making up only 36% of NHS referrals for psychological therapies (Mental Health UK).
‘Can do’ challenge
Over Men’s Health Week, we encouraged everyone at Confetti to get involved in the ‘Can Do’ Challenge.
Pick one activity for each day of the week that is proven to make us feel better. This includes:
- Connect – Speak to people in your life, whether that is a friend, family member, colleague or neighbour. Build new connections to expand your social circles – this could be at college, work or your local community.
- (Be) Active – Engaging in regular physical activity is known to go hand in hand with lower rates of depression and anxiety across all age groups. This is because exercise releases hormones that make you feel good. Find an activity that you enjoy and suits your level of fitness and mobility.
- Notice – Be curious and take notice of the environment around you. Being in a state of mindfulness has been associated with a positive mental state. Savour the moment, whether you’re walking to college/work, eating lunch or talking to friends. Be present.
- Discover – Trying something different or rediscovering something that you used to enjoy can help to improve your confidence and widen your skillset.
- Offer – Do something for someone else. Helping others can promote wellbeing.Why not do something nice for a friend or spend some time volunteering.

Wear blue to raise awareness
On Friday 14 June, we encouraged everyone to wear blue. This was to raise awareness about men’s health and the importance of regular health check-ups including testing for testicular cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes.
Want support for your health and wellbeing?
You can speak with the Student Services Team here at Confetti who can signpost you to support.
The Student Services Team are available Monday to Friday 8:30am – 5pm (excluding bank holidays). If you’d like to contact them you can do so online, visit them in person on campus, or call 0115 952 2075 to book a meeting.