Confetti staff and students can use wireless connections at all Confetti sites and other participating institutions where they use eduroam.
Connecting locally at a Confetti site
All students and members of staff can connect to eduroam when at any Confetti site. If you have any issues with your username or password, please contact your tutor or manager respectively.
In your iOS and Android app store, search for ‘geteduroam’ and install the free application

In the geteduroam app, search for Confetti and select Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies

Use your Confetti email address and password, which you also use to sign into your email, or Connect2.

Consent to the prompts when they pop up and you should be automatically connected

Visiting other eduroam sites
You may need to check with staff at the site that you’ll be visiting to find out what eduroam facilities are available there. Find where you can connect to eduroam using Where Can I Eduroam.
You should follow any local instructions issued by the computing service at the institute that you are visiting regarding security, access restrictions and acceptable use policies. Note that you are also still bound by the Confetti Acceptable Use Policy. Where the policies and regulations differ, the most restrictive applies.
The Eduroam policy can be found on the JANET website.
Once authenticated you should usually have access to at least web browsing. This will allow you to access your Confetti email via Web Access. As a guest you will not normally have access to the visited institution’s facilities, such as applications, printing, etc.
Visitors: staff and students visiting from other institutions
Visitors from institutions participating in the eduroam service can use our wireless network to access the internet.
Confetti has wireless coverage across all its sites. In addition to any acceptable use policies at your home institution, by using these facilities on our network you are also agreeing to the Confetti Acceptable Use Policy.
Visitors to Confetti wishing to use the eduroam service should, before coming to Confetti, ensure that their home institution participates in the eduroam service.
Confetti supports eduroam Tier Two using IEEE 802.1X authentication (WPA2 with AES) via the eduroam wireless SSID.
Eduroam visitors from other institutions should contact their own institution for any client configuration assistance.