Film Production Technology student Kirsty Macadam’s story

Kirsty Macadam is in her second year studying BSc (Hons) Film Production Technology.

Would you recommend the course to someone thinking of studying?

I would highly recommend the course to anyone thinking of applying. The tutors are very supportive, the modules are varied and the teaching methods are different from tutor to tutor. The tutors are all working within the industry currently and pass on their knowledge and contacts whenever they can. The course is the perfect level of practical to theory and the class sizes are small allowing you one-on-one time with tutors.


How are the facilities at Confetti?

The facilities at Confetti are industry standard and allow you to experience what it will be like in the film industry after university.


What are your future career aspirations once you finish the course, and is the course helping you work towards these?

I want to pursue a career as a Producer (with a goal of starting my own production company). My course is allowing me to learn about all the departments and roles involved in filmmaking which is important in the role of Producer as they have to have strong inter-departmental relations. I also have had loads of opportunities to take on projects both within the course and outside of it to be in a Producer or Project Manager role which has given me invaluable experience to take forward in the industry.

Start your story and make it at Confetti…

Have a look at the buttons below and explore your options a bit more. We recommend you see the course and campus for yourself by booking on to an open day.