
Graphic and Digital Design Kate Offler’s story

Kate’s love for photography saw her and our Graphic & Digital Design course a perfect fit for her to enhance her skills as well as develop new ones. Find out how she made it at Confetti this year.

graphic design
The Graphic and Digital Design show at Celebrate 2019.

My reason for choosing Confetti:

I always loved photography since taking it as a GCSE, and receiving a B which boosted my confidence on how well I am at conveying my ideas within my work. Confetti had a range of different course that offered photography within the course which attracted me to the Graphic & Digital Design course.

My favourite experience last year:

I really enjoyed going to Industry Week, where I got to talk and listen to people in the industry that I want to go into. I heard first-hand how I could get into the business of photography and design.

My support from Confetti:

The staff and tutors are amazing – they know what they are teaching us and know how to help. They constantly ask if you need help which is always good and also ask if they need to go slower, which is a huge help as I am dyslexic.

My favourite part of the campus:

I honestly really like the LRC (Learning Resource Centre) as it is available to all students from different courses to come together and learn more and meet up. I really enjoy the pods for bigger groups of people, the ones with the TV screens are amazing because you can use it to display your work to the group, making it easy to collaborate.

My story next year:

I will be going into the second year of my course, so I could learn more giving me the possibility of going to university if I decide to.

Start your story and make it at Confetti…

Have a look at the buttons below and explore your options a bit more. We recommend you see the course and campus for yourself by booking on to an open day.