The Degree Showcase was a fantastic opportunity to exhibit the developments at the Contemporary Music and Live Events Hub, and we’ve been inside the Digital Media Hub to see what progress has been made since reaching its highest point.
350-capacity live venue space

During the Degree Showcase our Live and Technical Events students managed an installation inside the shell of our new music and cross-media centre- Metronome. The centre will be opening in early October so keep your eyes and ears peeled for an announcement coming soon on our social channels.
Digital Media Hub entrance

The main reception desk arrived on Monday 11 June and was installed with supporting turnstiles to provide a secure entrance and exit. The reception desk will sit centrally and be accessible from all four sides.
COR-TEN exterior panels

COR-TEN steel is now being installed onto the exterior of the DMH. This weathering material will take time to rust, resulting in the stylish finish shown in the previous mock-up images. You can see some panels already starting to change.
Rooms are starting to take shape

Many of the rooms in the DMH have been plastered and are starting to be decorated – some have even got tables and chairs ready for the next academic year.
Roof terrace views

The Digital Media Hub has now reached its highest point and we were lucky enough to see what life will be like on the rooftop terrace. You’ll have access to an amazing view of the city centre, right from the heart of your campus.
If you’d like to know more and keep up-to-date, check out our Campus Developments page. Want to study with us? Check out our college-level and degree courses and if you like what you see, book onto an open day.