Degree Showcase 2017
About Courtney
Having sailed through primary and secondary school consistently achieving A’s and B’s, dropping out of college with no A-levels at the age of 17 came as a shock to my friends, family, teachers and most of all myself.
I ended up working in a cafe, as all my friends upped and left to go to university I was left at home with all faith in the education system lost, I was unhappy and I was bored.
Two years and 10,000 lattés later I came across the Confetti Media Group, I applied for a Web, Social Media and Marketing Apprenticeship and somehow got the job! I moved to Nottingham, not knowing anybody or much about the city (apart from Robin Hood having lived somewhere near, and I soon found out Sherwood Forest was not in Sherwood).
This is where my journey with Confetti began, I worked at the Creative Quarter for a year and not only did I gain a qualification, but I gained a set of invaluable life skills, such as; an understanding of how businesses operate, the importance of maintaining good working relationships, and I also met so many fantastic people, which led to work opportunities and long-lasting friendships.
The apprenticeship allowed me to progress on to the Foundation Degree in Television Production Technology , I chose this course because it’s fairly unique in that it’s very technical and the course is shaped around the current demands of the television industry.
Prior to starting the course, I’d hardly ever used a camera, didn’t know the difference between a codec and a container, or how to compose a shot. Fast-forward to two years later, I have my own equipment and make a living from being a freelance videographer and producer.
In between producing and filming, I also work as a producer for the cultural studio Nonsuch. Made up of a collective of international performers, directors, producers and creative individuals, Nonsuch produce an amazing experience for audiences, individuals and communities across art forms and means of engagement. At Nonsuch I am currently working as part of the delivery team of Nottingham’s Cultural Education Partnership on a project called ‘Do your Thing’ (DYT).
Cultural education partnerships were created as a result of The Cultural Education Challenge set by Arts Council England, which asks art and cultural organisations, educational institutions and local authorities to come together to drive a joined-up art and cultural offer locally, to share resources and bring about a more coherent and visible delivery of cultural education.
DYT is an online creative community. Our mission is to give young Creatives the space, opportunities and support by championing the collective creative voice of Nottingham’s 13 – 25 year olds, enabling them to do their thing.
It’s been a really exciting few years at Confetti, and I look forward to what the next ones bring, I’m hoping to continue to produce on lot’s more exciting projects, see DYT grow to become the number one youth website in Nottingham and gain experience working for festivals and Broadcast Television.
Courtney’s Degree Showcase Work