Here at Confetti, we really mean it when we say we ‘Do it for Real’.
The latest example of this saw our BTEC Level 3 Music Performance & Songwriting students perform live at Rough Trade’s Nottingham store. On the first floor of the iconic music store, bands and artists play in front of a packed crowd during a five-hour live music set.
This event was initially put together as a second year showcase but with such high numbers of learners enrolled on the first year and the quality of their musicianship they were asked to perform at the event. The event was planned and structured by seasoned performed and performance tutor Naim Cortazzi. As well as teaching all aspects of performance and stage ‘craft’, Naim supports events and performances for both years of the qualification.
For many of these students this is the first time they’ve taken to the stage publically; but you wouldn’t know that when listening to them.
Nathan Simpson, course leader for Music Performance said,
“This is a great opportunity for students to perform in a real venue, and it doesn’t get much better than playing in Rough Trade.
“In their first year, during the very first project we put learners into groups and support them to aid the cultivation of bands. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t – but ultimately, everyone finds the right match through trail and error. So today, we’ve got bands performing for the first time together and they’ll be learning so much from this experience.”
In the crowd is former Confetti student, Holly Taylor-Gamble. After completing her BTEC course at Confetti, the artist stayed on to study BA (Hons) Music Performance and is now supporting students through teaching. Holly is studying her PGCE at Nottingham Trent university and is spending a year working alongside Nathan and his Music Performance team; Naim Cortazzi, Tom Darke, Lawrence Stewart and Mark Shotter. She said,
“Confetti’s always offered its students real-life opportunities to learn as they study – it’s one of the reasons why I studied here.
“Not only are the students today performing at Rough Trade, they’re also working with the music management and promoter I’m not from London – so the students are getting to network with some great contacts!”
Do you want a chance to form your own band with fellow musicians and play on a real-life venue? Why not explore our range of college-level music courses and come to one of our open days to see the amazing facilities and find out more about Confetti.