It has been a busy year on our campus as we gear up to open our Contemporary Music & Events Hub, the Digital Media Hub and redevelop our existing buildings for the new academic year.
Digital Media Hub
Work is well underway on our new £9.1 million Digital Media Hub and if you find yourself walking down Lower Parliament Street you can even spot the first two floors rising from behind the hoardings.

Confetti courtyard
Work has been going on all summer within the Confetti courtyard area, where a new room and elevated courtyard will be created.

HE centre
Work has also taken place inside the HE Centre during the Summer period. The staircase inside the building has been fully replaced and reconfigured in order to improve accessibility to all floors and as a result the ground floor reception area has also been modified.

Two new specialist classrooms have also been opened on the third floor for our visual effects and graphics students.
If you’re looking to study a creative college-level or degree course, sign up for our open day and explore our facilities.