On Tuesday 29 October, some of our TV Production students tried out the escape rooms at Escapologic as part of their major project.
This week, the second year FdSc and BSc TV Production Technology students headed out on a trip to the escape rooms, Escapologic in Nottingham. They’re working on a live client brief to produce an advertising campaign – which must be a promotional video – for Escapologic as part of their major project for this year. Tutor, Johann Chipol felt that trying out the escape rooms themselves would be great research for the students.
Alongside working on projects for Notts TV, Nusic, Splendour and Nottingham Forest, TV Production course leaders have been working hard to provide more opportunities for students to work with external clients as part of their Assessments and Industry Practice. The aim is to give them more projects that will expand their range and take some of them out of their comfort zone.
The hope is that these working relationships will continue beyond the first year of development, eventually allowing TV Production to expand their working network and become a go-to team for creating TV and corporate content for the Nottingham Community.
HE Film and TV Tutor, Johann Chipol set up the research trip to Escapologic and accompanied the students. We spoke to him after to find out what the students made of the experience.
“The students really enjoyed their experience at the Escapologic Escape Rooms. All the students really bonded through it and were able to understand the aspects they need for their assignment. Some of them have never done anything like this so it was exciting to see them get enthusiastically involved. I wanted to make their assignments more unique and it was great that they were so on board.
“Their assignment is to produce a series of adverts that can be put on multiple media platforms. We were able to discuss ideas with their head of media and because they have now tried out their product, they know what they need to look for as well as come up with new and fun ideas. I believe it is essential when working with any client that you have an understanding of their product, especially if it is something new and different. They benefited so much from doing the rooms as a full class in both a professional sense and as a social experience. I am hoping that Confetti can allow for more opportunities like this where fun and business can intertwine.”
We would like to thank Escapologic for allowing us to use their facilities and we look forward to seeing the promotional videos the students will create!
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