Film & TV student Noor Britton’s story
With a passion for becoming the next Adam Sandler, directing, editing and acting in her own films, find out how film & TV student Noor Britton has made it at Confetti this year.

My reason for choosing Confetti:
I did a lot of research into courses at a number of colleges, and Confetti had the latest state-of-the-art equipment and in-depth courses, which really appealed to me.
My favourite experience last year:
Making short films with my course group. We all helped each other out, made some great films, learned a lot in the process – and even had a laugh watching the films back in the cinema room. That made it feel real, seeing your work being played on the big screen.
My support from Confetti:
I felt really supported by tutors, they really pushed me to achieve goals I’d set for myself – and were there to help when I got stuck.
My favourite part of the course and campus:
I love using the Sony PXWC70 Camera – the quality is insane! We get to use editing software too which is so expensive to buy for yourself, and all the Mac suites at Space 2 are really well-equipped for editing projects.
My story next year:
I’m going to take my 2nd year, and after that my dream job would be to become the next Adam Sandler – directing, editing and acting in my own films. Watch this space…
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